I’ve mostly bit my lip about Caitlyn for years, in part because I mostly saw her as a sad, harmless old woman, but now she’s out here actively spewing her utterly inane, thoughtless, parroted right wing talking points, which will fuel efforts of bigots to hurt trans kids ... https://twitter.com/caitlyn_jenner/status/1388585005199228928
MY GOD SHE IS DUMB. Just straight up dumb. Completely incapable of unique, critical, complicated, or original thought or analysis. All she does is repeat bullshit she hears in her curated conservative bubble.
She can be very kind and empathetic and understanding of individual injustices, but nothing systemic. I’ve never seen any evidence she’s even capable of thinking in that way, nor that she wants to. She’s fully baked and isn’t going to change.
Being dumb is fine for athletes or reality tv stars. It’s mostly harmless. Stupid people deserve the same rights as everyone! But as we’ve seen, dumb people with political power is dangerous. In Caitlyn’s case, in this moment, being dumb and saying stupid things will hurt kids.
I have no doubt Caitlyn is a trans woman, but she was seen & treated by the world as a rich, straight, white cis man for many, many years. That results in profound entitlement and takes serious, sustained self-work and consciousness raising to overcome. She will never do that.
There’s worse I could say, but I really don’t like rolling in the mud like this. I don’t like being mean. It’s uncomfortable and feels wrong. But is that complicity? Is that just internalized respectability politics? I genuinely don’t know and usually err on the side of silence.
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