Thread on Borderline Personality Disorder for #BPDAwarenessMonth !
People without bpd, read and rt.
before I go into this I want to say that while bpd is ignored a lot and has a lot of stigma surrounding it the other cluster b personality disorders (aspd, hpd, and npd) are talked about even less and are presented badly in media a lot more often too (symptoms of aspd for example
are often used as excuses for villains actions or presented as evil), im gonna keep this thread to be about bpd because thats what i know the most about and its bpd awareness month, but i encourage you to look into other cluster b personality disorders and speak up about them too
i want to preface this with im not a professional if im wrong about something tell me, im diagnosed with bpd and do my best to learn about it and educate other people but look into it more yourself if youre worried or want to know more
what is bpd?
bpd is a cluster b disorder and can be known as eupd or emotional dysregulation disorder.
It’s a cluster b personality disorder that affects the way you think, feel about others and yourself, and just cause a lot of emotional instability and black/white thinking
we dont really know an exact reason why you develop bpd but a lot of people rely on the biosocial theory
marsha linehan developed the biosocial theory (she also developed dbt! Ill make a thread on that l8r) which basically says its a combination of biological and social factors
the way my psychologist explained it to me is if youre genetically more emotional or sensitive and are put into a traumatizing environment like being abused or severe bullying those two factors work together to develop bpd down the line
a lot of people with behavioural disorders like conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder tend to develop bpd or other cluster b personality disorders especially if they go untreated
the dsm 5 criteria states to be diagnosed with bpd you need to have 5 or more of the following symptoms (IM SUMMARIZING THIS ISNT EXACT)
chronic feelings of emptiness
emotional instability
intense fear of real or perceived abandonment
impulsive behaviour
intense anger
recurrent suicidal or self harming behviour
stress related paranoia, or severe dissociative episodes
bpd can cause other things like psychosis or intrusive thoughts, and a lot more i didnt want to mention too many or go too too into detail so i thought this would be easiest
bpd can be confused for a lot of other disorders, a lot more research needs to be done on bpd, and a lot of things are comorbid, if youre worried please look into things yourself, im still learning and theres a lot more to bpd than just this
ill likely make a few more threads about specific things this month, like splitting or fps or dbt or resources, things like that i just want this thread to be a more simple thing and not be too long and im tired lol
bpd and other cluster b personality disorders are very stigmatized a lot of people will assume we’re manipulative or bad people or more likely to be those things and even professionals refuse to treat us sometimes
there is a lot of ableism towards us in and out of the medical field which is why we need to use this month to spread information and talk about it and stop ignoring voices of people with bpd
like i said im gonna write more threads over the course of this month for #BPDAwarenessMonth and im gonna use this thread as a place to put them and other threads i think people should see!
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