A thread on why I think the dual auction model introduced by @FlowVersus will reshape how many artists will do future drops

In short, for the first time, collectors are the ones deciding the final drop model while the artist will always walk away with the best outcome ✨

Till now, most artists had to make take a strategic decision upfront of either minting a unique piece (1/1) auction-style or do a limited set edition (/#) at a fixed price (excl open edit)

To make matters more complicated, when doing limited edition, pricing is always tricky
Even veteran artists have a hard time dealing with all these variables, least new creators attempting to join the crypto scene

This is where I think @FlowVersus' dual auction model could be disruptive, a potential gateway for new artists and veterans alike
At a high level, Versus allows artists to set up parallel competing offers between the unique and limited edition, where the side that receives the highest total value will be selected automatically as the model for that drop

While creative, the innovative part 👉
What I personally think makes the whole model super interesting is how they also implemented the auction model for the limited edition side too

Collectors not only decide between unique and edition models, they actively bid on the value for each limited edition number🤯
Versus doesn't only save artists the headache of having to choose beforehand which path to take, but it removes also the dilemma of pricing the edition side properly

The cherry on the cake? Their platform is serverless, fully non-custodial 🤓 So many integration possibilities👀
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