Being a law student taught me to speak up and analyze things but when I started working and understudied to 3 senior lawyers (one of which was a former judge) I learnt to be quiet, to be foresighted and prioritize the knowing the whole answer and not a part of the answer. 1/4
Working for these seniors conditioned me to think 4 or 6 plays ahead; what options will this action provide?; to protect the client, to protect the firm and protect your integrity. Mavericks don't last and always gauge the risk and reward. They taught me to play chess. 2/3
I take those lessons with me & am reminded again of it. Be methodical, be patient, document everything, put your emotions aside for the time being because it is a risk to "the client" (the victim), "the firm" (the movement) and yourself. I said it last night, protect yourself.3/4
Idk who needs to be reminded but this app is only a part of the world and not the whole world. This is a privileged space where we escape to but the real world consequences of our words here, no one can escape from. Look after each other on this Sunday in this lockdown.✌🏾4/4
You can follow @akanisi411.
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