Totally get an agent feeling uncomfortable but crime novels are published all the time. In which perfectly nice people are murdered. The fact that this book is about an author getting revenge on an agent (not sure if they kill them) means nothing about the writer.
I'm more uncomfortable that other agents and authors suggest that it's appropriate to call the police on this writer. What the actual fuck? Using that logic any book about revenge or murder should be viewed with suspicion and authors investigated by the police. How about no.
I do think this would be better as a second or third book, when you already have a good relationship with an agent. And we shouldn't forget that agents have to deal with unbelievable amounts of shit from crazy writers and that's not ok.
But please don't call the police on someone or conduct a background check on them because they wrote a book with a horrible main character. Can't believe people in the replies were suggesting that.
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