Last night when I got back to EMS headquarters at the end of my shift there was a group of 40-60 people, mostly young adults assembled in a parking lot/loading area directly across from where we return our vehicles.

No distancing, no masks.

I sat in my truck stunned.

And angry.

This wasn’t a protest.

This was a boatload of people having a party in a parking lot.

Music blaring, close dancing, the whole deal.

A huge part of me wanted to drive over and scream at them.

I spent my night in PPE trying to help COVID patients, and these people were literally having a party without a care in the world, like it’s just the #BestSummerEver.

I took a few breaths...

And then I slowly drove over.

I pulled up beside them and rolled down my window.

One of the prototypical tough guys said “who the F*ck does this guy think he is?”

I looked at the closest one and asked him, “Do you know what this building is?”

He looks at me and says “Yeah, it’s EMS headquarters”.

I’m stunned.

My anger starts to rise again.

I push it back down.

I’ll use it, not the opposite.

I take half a second, pick the people I want to make eye contact with and then I speak again.

“I have coworkers who can’t see their families because of exposures trying to treat people because of this pandemic. I have friends who haven’t been able to attend funerals for loved ones.”

I look at one girl in whom I can see the cracks starting to form.

“I get that you’re tired. I get you want to see your friends. I’m tired and I want to see mine too.”

I pause again...

“But I’m telling you, when we end a shift and this is what we have to see, it hurts. It just hurts.”

They’re silent.

I put the truck in drive and head into the garage.

My truck gets parked in it’s designate spot.

I rest my head on the steering wheel for what feels like an eternity.

I start to clean my truck up, put the things back where the things go...

Curiosity finally gets the better of me.

I wander over to one of the doors and look out the window.

Part of me knows that I’m setting myself up for tremendous disappointment.

But I look out the window and they’re gone.

I stand there for a second. These are big feelings and I am tired.

But we’re all tired.

And this was a good reminder of something that I tell my kids all the time...

Anger is combustible.

You can use it as a fuel, but if you let it take control it can consume you.

We are in dark times right now.

But maybe we all need to also remember to take a step back from letting our anger consume us.

Those kids weren’t thinking. That’s what I’m going to tell myself.

I’m sure if I had gone over there and indulged my anger in the way I wanted to, there would have been a very different outcome.

So maybe what we really need is for everyone to just take a step back and remember that we’re all tired.

And we’re all scared. For a lot of reasons.

Because we really need to just take care of each other right now.

We really just do.

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