fuck it,, here’s a thread of all the things cw00d has said in defense of mon-el:

i’ll start off with this. he describes mon-el as a “goofy, funny guy” and of course.. the infamous “puppy” tweet
many times, though, he has acknowledged mon-el being small minded and selfish. which is great. but he’s never touched on the horrible treatment of kara. and this is actually what he’s defended the most.
“it’s not toxic. it’s not unhealthy. there’s just differences in where these two people come from” being his most famous defense. this statement coming after a season of yelling in kara’s face, berating and belittling her, and disregarding her boundaries.
there’s also this .. not like he was from a planet of literal slave owners where men objectified women or anything..
and then you have the classic.. “she wasn’t nice to him so it’s okay that he treats her badly too” !!!

it wasn’t just mutual hostility, sir. he was actively misogynistic and dismissive and belittling.
and of course you have this. it’s a definite start. however .. the use of the word “slave owner” is quite indicative of picking things from stan twitter as you can see above, he never described him that way. and he only ever addressed this after the AK situation. https://twitter.com/christophrwood/status/930311344280166400
and he still didn’t condemn mon-el’s treatment of kara.. which is probably the thing that people found the Most issue with on the show.
and this.. i’ve already talked about it numerous times today so i don’t feel like explaining again but i’m assuming that, if you’re reading this thread, you’ll be able to figure out the problem with this. https://twitter.com/luthorgirl/status/1388350301531516928
“their love is very sweet. it’s flawed in a way that isn’t always shown on television...”


it wasn’t just flawed. it was toxic and had numerous red flags of emotional abuse.
“i love the way they bicker”
is this the bickering he’s referring to?
or is this their “very sweet” love?
in conclusion: cw00d was very complicit in the entire mon-el situation and benefited off a harmful atmosphere and calling him out for it is not hateful. i acknowledge that his views may have changed in the years since. however, he still has yet to acknowledge the role he played.
adding for self-explanatory reasons https://twitter.com/jacksonbrittsny/status/1388643964459253760
adding this: he essentially downplays kara’s dislike of mon-el to simple bias of this “fun, goofy guy”.
rewatched that vid of them “bickering” and was reminded of this. essentially saying that he loves how humor was inserted into this character. but the reason humor was inserted into this character was so that the audience would fall for his charm and not realize how toxic he was.
now this is interesting: in justifying mon-el, he also seems to have a misunderstanding of kara’s character? this Was something kara wanted to do since landing on earth but was forced into the shadows and told not to. her desire to help others has always been shown.
anyway, back to the point of the thread:

“like any good love story, it’s a bit of a back and forth”

the only back and forth between kara and mon-el was their constant arguments every other episode over mon-el’s disrespect towards her and others.
i think it’s also important to note the difference in responses between cw00d and melissa..
melissa was trying to keep it on the topic of kara more than the relationship itself. which i believe is a common theme with most of her answers regarding mon-el/kara’s relationship but i could be wrong.
here’s a video of cw00d talking about kara and mon-el’s relationship along with what he wished the show did better. but while he acknowledges some of the problems, he still seems to gloss over the Biggest one: mon-el’s treatment of kara.
“sometimes you feel like you see flaws you wish you could fix but it’s not your job”

but in his AK statement he says that he’s always stood up against inappropriate actions in the workplace. he could have said smth about the misogyny and treatment of kara but he chose not to.
putting this here: it is possible that he didn’t know about AK. i don’t want to say with Certainty that he knew but that doesn’t absolve him of defending and enabling mon-el to the extent that he did. https://twitter.com/karasluthqr/status/1388687777584361476
and to clarify: yes, if chris knew, they all probably did. but we’re talking about chris bc chr*s is the one who played and defended his self insert character, while claiming that he always speaks up against inappropriate things in the workplace.
however, this thread wasn’t to “prove” that chris Knew something. it was just to show how he enabled and defended this character, specifically in situations regarding his treatment of kara.
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