What if there was a simple yet powerful way to enhance meditation, heal your body, and even amplify your psychic potential with a low tech hand held device?
Let me tell you about the Wands of Horus
Pick up any book about Ancient Egyptian culture and take a close look at the statues of the pharaohs: you will see that they are all clasping cylinder-like objects in their hands. Their roots go back into the depths of time.
Those cylinders, with which the pharaohs never parted throughout their lives, were harmonizers of the two basic flows of the energy which Ancient Egyptians called BA and KA, corresponding to Yin and Yang in the Oriental tradition
For the Ancient Egyptians the BA and KA were two component elements of the human entity, the two sources of vital energy. While they are interacting properly, the vital functions of the organism are maintained and the person lives without any particular problems.
To regulate the energy balance in the body the Ancient Egyptians used "Wands of Horus" - cylinders with various contents.The use of these cylinders to a considerable extent helped the pharaoh (or other user) to perfect his nervous, energetic and (as a consequence) immune systems,
to improve his health and physical condition, since the cylinders had a beneficial effect on those areas. The correct and systematic use of the cylinders enabled the pharaoh or priestly user to prepare himself for "Communion with the Gods".
If certain conditions are observed and sessions conducted on a regular daily basis, the Wands of Horus can not only correct, but also stimulate a person's nervous, energy and immune systems, creating the preconditions for their improvement.
This requires work founded on a precise understanding of what the Wands of Horus are and the principle by which they work, a knowledge of the cycles of activeness in the human energy system and a number of elements making up a complex approach, an essential part of which is
interaction with natural sources of energy, such as trees, rivers, lakes, the sea and mountains.
The Wands of Horus are also a means of prevention and treatment, providing the opportunity in certain disorders to correct particular deviations from the norm and noticeably improve a person's state of health,
since they inspire very deep-running physiological and energetic processes. It is important to stress that the knowledge of Ancient Egypt was founded not on mystic, astrological or esoteric doctrines, but on a strict grasp of the principles on which the universe is founded.
In other words, at the basis of the theoretical and spiritual constructs of the Ancient Egyptian initiates lay first and foremost Knowledge and not faith.
When I learned about the alleged properties of the wands of course I wanted to see for myself if any of it were true. But the "official" product from Russia cost several hundred to upwards of a thousand dollars - out of my price range.
But then, inspired by another researcher, I realized I could make these myself!
The construction is very simple - 6 inches of copper and zinc pipe filled with medium sized quartz crystal. But from such a basic design comes fascinating effects…
The copper rod is held in the right hand, the zinc in the left. After a few minutes your body heat will cause the quartz inside to expand, creating a piezoelectric effect. This will enhance the flow of energy through your body much like a battery.
Right is the anode (+) & left is the cathode (-). The longer you hold them the greater the effect. You may hold them as long as you like; listen to your body & stop if you need a break.
You may feel a tingle, buzz or pulsing sensation in the hands. This may extend to other areas of the body. You may be particularly aware of inflammation or injuries. These areas may have compromised energy meridians which the wands attempt to restore.
I have had people report sensations in the back, chest and teeth but you may feel them throughout the body.

Meditation is deepened. I myself feel that willpower is increased; I credit using the wands with successfully quitting porn last year. It's a powerful effect.
The wands normalize bodily systems - dampening down overactive processes and increasing sluggish functions, bring the body towards a state of harmony. I have barely scratched the surface of the potential benefits, I would like as many as possible to join me in this exploration!
As I've said they are simple to make, but if you would rather just purchase a set I will be offering them in my ebay store within the next couple of weeks with worldwide shipping. Just waiting for supplies right now.
For further reading on the wands begin here: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_wandshorus04.htm
Most of my posts will be additional information regarding the wands and their benefits. So follow and like so I can see the interest is there. Thanks for reading!

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