Watching The Color Purple for the first time as an adult, and it feels like the first time, period.

Which... I am not mad about.
Because, wow.
Celie and Nettie’s friendship was the purest thing breathing in a world of abuse and neglect.

Seeing Celie stick her tongue out at Nettie as she spins for Albert. The adolescence.
The movie does such a great job at normalizing this world. Down to the lighthearted moments we wouldn’t consider light at all.

It’s very very solid.
Whewwww, they put their whole ass foot in this movie. Like... nah.

WHOLE ass foot.

I remember when he kicks Nettie out. This and the scene right before that triggers it. I remember is so well.
I gotta speak to Whoopi Goldberg.
I’m gonna keep saying it until it happens. A whole ass talk about whatever, on God.
A deep need.

She so beautiful in this, man.
She got eyes on her that just grab you.
Lord, Mister can’t even cut through biscuits.
The array of strength residing in the girls/women in this movie is also refreshing as hell. Celie experienced educated, fierce, charming personalities throughout her life, and the abusive and weak men who tried to tame them.

Nettie, Sofia, and Shug. All teaching Celie something.
LOOK AT LAURENCE! Whew, this cast is immaculate.
Set/costume design and locations in this film are just... I really really miss movies transporting us. Engulf us, man. Take us OUT.
The dynamic between Celie and Shug being birthed out of appreciation and being seen. But also the women Celie stuck her tongue out at when Shug sang to her, lol. Love it.

Love seeing romantic gestures/partnerships btwn Black women in the early 1900s (Dee Rees's "Bessie" too)
Joy, I feel joy.
Sofia suffering for her strength breaks me, but how Celie shows up for her. Smh. I love it.
Nah, but Oprah PULLED UP in this movie. I'm surprised she didn't act more right after (I know she did in more recent years). Because. Sofia... yes maam.
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