The internet is filling the void created after women invaded the lodge, the local pub, the workplace, and even beer leagues

Since the 60s women have sought to root out spaces where men meet and talk

And we all know how the energy shifts when a woman enters the space ...
It’s now about her, her emotional experience, her little Truman Show where we all feel the pressure to sustain her little fairy tales

The last 3 generations of men have lost the truths that were shared in these spaces, and we’re now paying the price

We’re not equal, she’s weaker

Her insight on what attracts her is completely wrong

She wants you to lead, even as she tells you she wants a “partnership”

She’s exactly as loyal as you are her best option

She lives in the context of your interaction, not the content
She’s battling her own issues with her femininity, and the mixed messages she gets from other women

She doesn’t really want a career, she wants to be a mom, and to be completely taken care of by you

Sexually, your pleasure gets her off more than her own
Having to take part in decisions making makes her physically ill, and dries her panties

She’s NOT in control of her sexual desire, you are

Communication is not a good strategy for you, that her domain, you WILL lose
She WANTS to be put in her place, half the time that’s what she’s asking for

Almost everything she says comes from ego

She doesn’t really see YOU, she sees how you make her feel

It’s laughable how much more capable she is than you of non physical aggression
She needs COMFORT/Oxytocin in the second half of her cycle

And she needs MASCULINE sexual tension and provocation (dopamine/seratonin) on the first half of her cycle
When you need her to help make a decision, or when you want her to lead you both through a scenario (especially in bed) she loses respect for you

She will say she supports you emotionally, but if you ever NEED that support, she’ll lose respect for you
Most of what she says you can safely ignore. But it’s unwise to ignore how she’s feeling

She will never love you unconditionally

She’s not romantic, you are. She’s rational, pretending to be romantic

Change her MOOD not her mind
There you go. Some of the big shit you would probably have been told by your dad on a hunting trip

Or by your uncles while fishing

Or on the break room at the warehouse

Or over beers after your softball game

Or any number of places men used to meet and talk, but no longer can
So the internet is here to fill this gap, but obviously what we really need is connection with other dudes

Bring back “man time”, men only clubs and establishments

Everyone is better off when we talk about leading with OTHER LEADERS
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