The "Four More Stops" event plan!! Or, a combination Infinity Train trend and streaming party event that takes place over the course of two days! (thread)

Feel free to add anything I might miss!!
- We'll be doing this in June, shortly after HBO Max releases in South America, to give time for people in that area to purchase HBO Max.

- Unless otherwise suggested, the trend party is first and the streaming party is second. The current plan is to do them back to back.
- It's been suggested that we do the streaming party part of this on a Saturday night so that a lot of people are available.
- As for the trending party part of this, we should do it the same way we did last time. The tag we use is #FinishInfinityTrain, but we should also try to include the phrase "Infinity Train" in the tweets somewhere.
(this is because phrases are easier to trend than hashtags!)
The 29th was highly successful, which is why I don't think we should change anything major for the trending party part of this. We should stick to what we know works.
Our goal for this one is going to be primarily catching the interest of international viewers that will now have access to HBO Max, and boosting legal viewership in hopes of catching CN's attention.
Two more additions to this and I'll probably be done! We can't set the exact dates right now because we don't know when in June HBO Max is releasing internationally, so please keep an eye out for that and tag me and/or @TrainVisuals if you see it before we do!!
And finally, other things you can do to prepare:
-Stockpile art for the organized trend part of this. Put some aside in a specific folder to post on this date.
- Spread the word! The trend on the 29th did so well because it got a LOT of attention. So blow this one up too.
You can follow @Sunset_Colored.
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