spent the morning in a class with Bhanu Kapil called "Writing a sentence in the air, on a windowsill or at nighttime when it's raining & you're not at home" (1/ )
She began with a Alejandra Pizarnik sentence "I have walked in the unknown rain" and then walked us through a series of practices, using pigment (defrosted blackberries, coffee beans, charcoal), gesture, and sentences from our own writing notebooks placed into a matrix... (2/ )
She then distinguished what we were after as different from the idea of juxtaposition (and collage), but instead through intuition and collaboration looking for a charge, a displacement of electrons, an entanglement between two pieces of unrelated writing (3/ )
what stuck with me most were the questions to ask of this language we had foregrounded with the help of others:
"What do I burn to say?"
"What is this space for?"
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