Why are so many Gen Zers depressed?


I recently came across a study from the American Psychological Association that showed that more than 7 in 10 Gen-Zers report symptoms of depression during the pandemic.
As a Gen-Zer myself, it made me think.
Personally, I have not felt any symptoms of depression in a long time. Even throughout the pandemic, I have managed to stay somewhat mentally happy. I am grateful for that.
At the same time 7 out of 10 people is a lot of people that are feeling low, and not good about themselves.
I have tried to sum up a few reasons why so many Gen-Zers are depressed.
1.Bad lifestyle.
The average teenage lifestyle is worrying.
Staying up late, diet consisting of mostly junk food, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, the list goes on.
Gyms have been closed a lot during the pandemic, which clearly has been a negative thing, but ttoo few Gen-Zers that went to the gym or exercised before the pandemic, and I doubt the amount will increase significantly post-pandemic.
Your lifestyle reflects how you feel mentally.
2.Bad work-ethic
All education the past year has been online. Education through classrooms, being exchanged with Zoom- meetings, is not a positive change. People have lost all their motivation to do anything really.
School seems to be a drag for a lot of people, which is understandable to a degree. At the same time, you have to be responsible for your own actions. You can't blame your teacher for you not doing what you are supposed to do.
Seeing the line of undone assignment pile up puts a lot of people in a bad mental state.

A lot of Gen-Zers compare themselves to others. People. Their friends and social media influencers (ugh I hate that word) seem to have a much better life than themselves.
They compare what they are doing throughout a whole day, with what some fake influencer is posting on her Instagram story. Everyone’s life seems so much better through social media. Rule number four from Jordan Petersons “12 rules for Life” says it in a good way.3.3.
“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not who someone else are today.”

4.Lack of motivation
Many people in today’s world lack motivation. Especially many Gen-Zers. Laying in bed all day, and binge-watching a bad Netflix series has, unfortunately, become the new normal.
Way too many people take no action. Nothing happens without action. Laying in bed waiting for something magical to happen, is a recipe for failure. Here's a tip: Get off your ass, get shit done, and not wait for motivation. It will come later.
End of thread.
I'm pretty new to Twitter, and this is my first ever thread. I have seen a few people do this, and I wanted to try it myself. I enjoyed writing this and will do more. Feedback would be appreciated!

Have a great day!
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