Since I have gotten resurrected I decided I’d like to make everyone mad: 1 (one) RT = 1 (one) of my very unpopular opinions
Blowjobs suck and I feel like the meme that they’re great started w a guy lie-bragging to his friends and then they all lie-bragged back and then it just spiraled out of control and now everyone pretends to love it more than sex to seem cool
Tennis is the most “Chad” sport and it’s not even close
I don’t actually enjoy lifting weights I just do it to look like a freakbeast, I don’t really believe anyone who says they love it
Small amounts of junk food on occasion probably have a hormetic effect on the body and being super autistic abt diet is probably worse for you than if you just kind of wing it following loose principles most of the time
Brown eyes are ok *everyone screams “TIIIIIIDDDDDUUUUUUUSSSSSSS in unison*
Twitter is dead and tiktok (allah forgive me for uttering the name) is probably where the next wave of right wing extremists will be converted
I think we should cede cities to libs. I prefer wide open spaces anyway, cities never appealed to me. Let them have their tiny kingdoms of rubble
Most people that have made fun of midwits on Twitter are themselves midwits (my IQ is 85 don’t even try to call me a midwit in rebuke)
I have had this disagreement on the TL before, but: genetics rules all! You cannot fill a cup with more water than it can hold; likewise, you cannot self improve past your natural genetic limit. There are a lot of people that are wasting their time w it
Reading books in most cases is a complete waste of time
Playing video games is fine, particularly FPS games, bc at least you’re actively engaging w the media instead of mindlessly scrolling/consuming it
Rap is possibly the worst genre of music and literally nobody should listen to it. Country and metal distant second and third
You probably shouldn’t be eating chicken that much if at all, the fact that it’s a bodybuilding staple always perplexed me. Eggs r fine tho
I’m actually a huge fan of slutty girls and I’ve had a lot of fun with them
The anti-horny brigade on this side of twatter is part of the reason why rw twatter is dead (and the fact that open fedposting is only next step..) but yeah, sex is fine pls stop being annoying abt it
If you have good genes you shouldn’t have to wear deodorant, pheromonemaxx instead. Deodorant is for genetic dead ends
Cleaning your room is lame and the meme that it improves your life is just that: a meme. If you feel nervous or jittery in a messy space you have been civilized beyond help, or as Tariq Nasheed would say, “Buck Broken”
Khazar Milkers are OVERRATED *ducks for cover*
Short hair is for slaves
Ass > tits
Everyone here says they’re a handsome nationalist but like, 90% of them would end up on the other side of the wall lol
Giving your kid a name like Alexander Augustus Caesar Juliano is probably the worst thing you can do for them now. If you want to give your kids an advantage change your last name to smith and name them John or Alex or Sarah or something so that they’re untraceable on the webz
Carbs and sugar are good for you
The suburbs rule and everyone that hates them didn’t get invited to enough mcmansion parties in high school
If you’ve ever visualized yourself losing a fight you’re of peasant farmer stock. Go till the land grainboy
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