I’m convinced that the best predictor of which ideological faction a person is likely to belong to in coming years, as the fracture between populations continues to grow, isn’t superficial political differences - but rather some objective measure of the instinct to conform..
The ‘Asch conformity experiment’ is a good example of this. A group of actors answer an obvious question with the same wrong answer, and the test subject must then decide whether to agree with the crowd, or trust his own eyes, ears, judgement:


I suspect those that cave to the peer pressure and give the wrong answer would have almost total Venn diagram overlap with those cheering masks, CRT, the orange-man-bad mentality, anti-Russia hysteria..

.. and this is the human type everywhere promoted, by hidden puppeteers
It’s the most natural human instinct to seek acceptance, to belong.. insecurity sparks a willingness compromise, even lie to ourselves..

We then go on to create the most ornate intellectual justifications to collectively defend our missteps.. and the world suffers for it.
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