Josh Ball mini-thread: I try not to convict anyone of anything they haven't been convicted of. If something is he/she said, he/she said, it's not my job to convict people nor is it completely fair.

However, if you were removed from school for domestic violence....
when you have the opportunity to address it I need to hear the work you've done as a human being to improve yourself because the victim of domestic violence WILL have to do work to overcome the trauma that you've caused.
So if Josh Ball or anyone else who has been in those situations does the real life work to improve themselves as a person, I hope they get a second opportunity and succeed. I also think you have to have the awareness
that when a question about it comes up, 'we've all moved on' isn't an acceptable answer. It sounds dismissive of something that can't/shouldn't be dismissed. So that's that. Go team.
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