THREAD: My 20s were full of ups and downs

I lost millions, made millions and helped build some billion dollar startups

My biggest lessons learned:
The future of startups:

- Privacy-first
- Community-first
- Sustainability-first
- Creator-first
- Decentralized-first
- Digital-first

Bookmark this list. Print it out

This is where the world is going
How to build 1 successful product:

Build 100 unsuccessful products first

You need to fall down to move up
Rule of thumb:

Don’t talk badly about other people in the industry

Be positive. Positivity pays
One of the healthiest habits to learn:

1. Help people

Exceptional things happen to:

- those who help people
- those who are helped

Master the "curiosity flywheel"

Don’t join a crypto startup just because it’s hot. That fades quick

Join because you can’t stop thinking about the future of the crypto world

Curiosity drives motivation drives action etc

I call that the curiosity flywheel

How curious are you?
It’s never too late to reinvent yourself

Life is long (we hope!)
Observation: If 100% of people like you, there is something wrong with you

Being liked by everyone is a liability not an asset
Keep a startup journal

I asked one of my billionaire investors what his biggest regret was

His response was short and sweet:

"I wish I wrote more down"

You'll never remember all the ups and downs

Write it down. You'll appreciate it in 5 years
Embrace being yourself

Most people are afraid of being themselves. Don’t be

If you aren't yourself, you'll create cookie-cutter products
Happy people:

- Open
- Warm
- Support people, don't discourage people
- Know there is never a "right time" to make a leap
If you enjoyed this Twitter thread, toss me a follow @gregisenberg

I'll make it worth it
What should my next THREAD be about?

Open to all ideas
You can follow @gregisenberg.
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