making disctwt CRY: a surprisingly NECESSARY thread
hey disctwt remember when there used to be daily exile streams back in december and even though it was part of the lore you could still sense that dream and tommy were enjoying each other’s company and laughing and hitting the prime bell?
hey remember when dream asked everyone to sub to tommy and he got like 3000 subs in five minutes while he was afk?
haha remember when dream said that after lore streams, tommy will call and they would hype each other up?
isn’t it cool how dream trusted and continues to trust tommy enough where he lets him film and stream with his little sister?
remember when tommy said that him and dream get in a call once a week and brainstorm ideas and discuss youtube and how to grow?
haha hey remember when dream let tommy use his name in the title of his videos and stream titles bc he knew that even though his viewers would come from him, they would stay for tommy?
remember that one stream where dream was practicing for manhunt, tommy was watching so he invited him to practice pvp even if it was around 2 in the morning for tommy, they helped each other train and dream gave him tips?
these chat messages exist
you know how tommy was the VERY first person to know about dream’s song? (we don’t talk about this enough) ‼️‼️
don’t you think its neat how dream and tommy worked together to write and execute one of the best arcs in the dreamsmp with such a lasting affect that dream simply logging onto the server sparks a reaction out of us viewers?
dream says he considers tommy one of his best friends, they have a running bit where they mock one another on and off stream, and tommy is somehow always involved with dream’s family
hey disctwt remember when dream said adding tommy to the smp was the best decision he’s ever made?
end of thread :’)
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