y’all, idk why i have to clarify this, but just because a girl is a bit chubby and not, idk, a stick... doesn’t mean she’s not being healthy. a lot of us eat right and exercise, but don’t have a high metabolism and constantly try to find things that work.
the worst thing is that people will see this thread and say i’m defending people who have unhealthy habits, but i’m not. but, what i am saying is that although it may be easy for you to lose weight, doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone
and the worst thing is that some people have this “higher than thou” attitude about being skinny, when their idols are literally either anorexic or have had surgery like rib removal or liposuction to get a better figure.
you want an idol? get someone who is naturally fit at least, not through surgeries, but through good eating and exercise.
now i’m not saying that people with eating disorders aren’t beautiful. but basing your ideal body type as someone who doesn’t eat, or throws their food up, etc. is dangerous for you and for the people you’re encouraging to look like that
so telling people to “stop being fatasses” and to “get skinny” is ignorant and rude. you can be fit and still have a little bit of chub on your cheeks, a little on the tits and ass, or your thighs, or your belly.
i have a friend who can eat a family sized bag of chips every day and she’s still very thin. she has a high metabolism. would it be healthy for her to consume that many chips? absolutely not. so don’t judge someone’s lifestyle on the way they look to you. it’s ignorant.
that being said, it’s always good to have someone that encourages and supports you to make healthy choices

my biggest supporter is @redprincevince :)

in any case, have a good day everyone <3
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