oh make it short pls!! it‘s hard to put everything in one tweet otherwise
i did NOT expect so much so quickly
milo the goat was an obvious try by s&b to have a Quirky Thing and i am supremely annoyed by this goddamn goat
danielle and kits acting were by far the best
Though I do think it was a bit rushed with so much packed in, i feel like at least having more of a hint on Kaz’s backstory/trauma would’ve been nice to see Here’s hoping it’s addressed in S2
‘i dont need to kill you, your past will’ its actually such a stupid line cos HE DIDNT EVEN DIE
we as a society need to eliminate that goat once and for all
i don’t acc hate show zoya that much
Everyone saying they haven’t changed mals character in the show it’s a diff perspective IS LYING
the crows kinda stole the show
as a darklina, i thought ben as darkling would be the best part about the show but i have to say kaz was Doing it for me
pekka rollins men touching kaz and then kaz not beating their asses was such a disappointment to me
the show would have been so much better if they had only adapted six of crows
I loved Helnik scenes but everything felt a little rushed
some people have unhealthy obsession with milo the goat
matthias' fjerdan accent was kinda cringey idk
Amitas voice is so annoying
when they announced the casting i was NOT happy about kit young cause he looks nothing like jesper (description, official art etc) but he had one of the best performances on the show
the show is good but full of plotholes, like wth was the conductor thing?? How did the darkling did not know abt it???
That mal guy got beaten up so many times its kinda unrealistic how he survived lmao
the grisha are a bit stupid because, how come someone came up with a train and you didn't? Aren't you the smartes one of the country?
i dont think kaz was played well at all and neither was kanej, they were very ooc and rushed
kaz wasn't "soft", we just don't see from his pov anymore
Alina still little bit bland because all she can think about is Mal and they didn't show she mourned her friend even if we can see that they died because of her (burned the map), i wish they can replace those meadow scenes with other scenes
Don’t get me wrong, i love the crows, but I enjoyed the storyline of TGT more than that of the duology
Im actually think aleksander is more of a grey character in the show than in the books and thats whybis mote interesting to see but now im afraid next season his show characterization will be a a mess
Danielle's casting is accurate to the books. She does fit a ship figure head. She is curvy and plus sized. She isnt skinny. And she fits Nina in the official art. People can be dissapoined but its still not skinnywashing
people complaining about the meadow scene being shown when it was literally less than 2 minutes of screen time is laughable-yet we got that weird darkling flashback that was over 10 minutes long
the darkling was so ooc and y'all not ready for that
ben barnes actually ruined the darkling
the darklings backstory part was stupid and wasted precious time
Zoya from the show is non existent to me
Darkling/Mal fight was so stupid. did the Darkling forgot how to use The Cut?
ppl saying that if we didn’t have kaz pov in soc he would be just as “misunderstood” as mal knowing damn well thats a fcking lie
The show would've been better if we had gotten helnik for 8 episodes instead of 3 and less mal scenes hunting the stag, like, bitch i don't care
i’m tired of people comparing reylo to darklina, reylo is 10x better
Trying to paint "She's not like you, no one is" as romantic when Kaz is saying he wont free a sex slave is gross. In the books he couldnt pay for everyone and could really only convince the boss of the Dregs to pay for Inej as an investment
mal had so much plot armour it was annoying
i said make it short
Though I loved Kanej I would have preferred for them to be more cold with each other and have them open up a bit at the end
darklina is NOT enemies to lovers, its manipulator to nothing ❤️
The crows were willing to kidnap and sell Alina - that’s human trafficking but no one wants to talk about it
genya is a lesbian sorry david!
I think Ben Barnes really pulled so many people into watching S&B so I really don’t know why grishaverse stans are hating on him for portraying the darkling. —

I have the same figure as danielle and I felt so annoyed when people started saying she was skinny when I've been called fat my entire life
no one is comparing kaz to draco. get a job. get a life. get some friends.
the darkling was too soft
i think we can all agree that the crows deserved their own show
the demon in the wood was a sadder backstory for the darkling than whatever they did to him in the show and should’ve gone with it instead
Kaz brekker and the darkling are the worst characters and kaz is a bad influence on inej
the darklina scenes were stupid like they genuinely contributed to nothing to the dynamic or development they claim darklina had it came off as a an old hag manipulating a young girl and the young girl having a crush on him it was the most shallow shit i’ve ever seen
I still don't know where maly is from, like alina we know she is part shu and part ravkan but maly is part ravkan and???? —

i actually don’t know, maybe someone else? but i find it very cute that you call him maly
there are many ccs calling different cast members ugly and other very disrespectful things and i wish those anons a very go fuck yourselves
Aside from racism which wasn't in the books, show!zoya and book!zoya are just the same, a boring (& very poorly written) mary sue
also please stop comparing delena to darklina, damon would NEVER do what the darkling did to elena. he actually loves her
ppl complain about mal’s changes while forgetting about the darklings?? like they added a whole backstory and made darklina more consensual but i dont see anyone talking about that.
them reviewers definitely were lying when they said the show is great, it's not bad but the wiriting and the acting defintiely could use some improvement.....
alina in the show is even more annoying and bland then in the books imo, and that's saying something
lots of people talk about redemption but i like the darklina enemies with feelings dynamic a lot more *spoiler* even if it ends with death trope
Kevin wada fanart aka the official one shows a pretty light skin jesper so i think kit is fine for the role still would have been better if here was a dark skinned actor cast
alina should end up with a woman
the day people realize that alina has an arc outside of the darkling or mal (in the books and show) is the day i will know peace
inej is a lesbian
I’m sorry I know it’s sentimental but I found the Leigh scene in the show a little cringey to watch
Kaz gets a free pass while the Darkling gets all the hate even though they are both murderers and morally grey
The girl playing Nina is a small fat
the shows writing wasn't good
Kanej = Delena
Alarkling = Klaroline
alright yall i‘ll wrap it up here. there‘s still more than a 100 new ccs but i cant post them all 😭 there were many similar things tho, i think i covered most of it. many regular darklina malina stuff, the crows are superior (their plot was messy tho), the show was rushed,
a LOT of hate towards the goat, love and hate for the meadow, completely different opinions about show kaz, i think every female character was announced as lesbian at least once. thanks everyone (who was nice) for participating, it was fun!
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