Today marks the 1st day that the Fairfax teachers' unions-who have engaged in a year-long fight to close schools & harm children-can begin the process to get CBA rights.

Here, we see a FEA post from July 7, demanding close schools. That day our county only had 14 new cases.
In October, as FCPS began to bring back kids with disabilities, FEA responded by having a protest at those schools where this was happening, hoping to intimidate kids, parents, & school officials so that schools would remain closed even for those that desperately needed them.
Shortly afterwards, the FEA launched an illegal "sick-out" (their words, not ours) to try to force schools closed. Note, such strikes are illegal under Virginia Code § 40.1-55.
In January, as our schools remained all closed, the FEA began to expressly link reopening to children getting vaccinated, despite the fact that it was already apparent such vaccinations would not happen by the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
In sum, at every point this year, they have fought to ignore science, fearmonger, & harm children's academic & emotional wellbeing. Granting CBA rights to such a group would be enormously irresponsible & would risk even further harm to children, who should be FCPS's 1st priority.
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