On the value of all subjects and all parts of the HE sector: this thread, from a colleague with a locked account, struck a chord with a lot of people who thought it deserved a wider audience, so I'm quoting it here with permission. Text follows in thread.
RT🔒 I’m a historian of science who has both a science degree and degrees in interdisciplinary humanites (with art history concentration) and history. My degrees were done in the US and my undergraduate programme had a core of ‘liberal arts’: literature, philosophy, history, art,
RT🔒 art history. Both disciplines worked in harmony together to give me a really good education. The liberal arts taught me about writing and clear oral expression and textual analysis. The sciences taught me about logic, paying attention, quantitative analysis. Study abroad
RT🔒 broadened my experience. I went to a State University because of cost and being able to test out of a year of courses. And this grounding allowed me to have an academic career, where I spent 30 years teaching undergraduates to pay it forward.
RT🔒 BOTH STEM and the humanities are important to educating young minds. Neither is better than the other. The privileging of one over the other leads to a poorer experience for students. Students need to be able to choose how to express their innate talents and gifts.
RT🔒 Not all students come from privileged backgrounds, but that does not mean they should but shut out of studying what they wish. It is a grave mistake to insert rigidly the stratifications of class into universities. It serves no one. Don’t shut the door on talent+opportunity
RT🔒 This generation of young people has it hard enough. The challenges of climate change, economic downturn, effects of COVID have disadvantaged those without a familial safety net. It‘s terribly costly for society to put barriers in their way, both psychically and economically.
RT🔒 When the universities begin shutting, when the life and work of educators is put into peril, when alternative views are suppressed, thus begins the slow slide downwards of that society. Innovation stalls. That’s what history teaches you.
RT🔒 The post 92s are important. The American community college is important. The 6th form colleges are important. All educational institutions that give opportunities for students to better their lives are important.

/end of thread
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