“That’s white supremacy” and/or “That’s cultural Marxism” can easily be used as shut down statements to excuse ourselves from facing our own biases, blind spots, prejudices, and false gospels.
Likewise, wholesale dismissal of these critiques toward us or the tribes we run in— as in, “There can’t be even a small kernel of truth in them when they are spoken about us”—can also reveal the same biases, blindspots, prejudices, and false gospels.
In this division, as in all divisions, there are no secular or partisan solutions to the problem, but only agitations. The only solution that exists is the unifying work of Jesus Christ which affirms the truth and confronts the falsehood in all of the “stands” we take.
The question Christians must contend with honestly is, “Who do I want discipling me, Jesus or a political system?“ and, “What lies am I willing to believe in order to justify my dogmatism and lack of humility toward my ‘other’ neighbors?”
And, “In what ways do I paint myself *only* as a victim and ‘the other’ *only* as an unfair critic, vs acknowledging that both of us are a mixed bag of sin, fear, and the image of God?”
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