A thread. For those who don't know, I've been doing #NaNoWriMo for a few years now, but last month, April, I decided to try my first #CampNaNoWriMo . 1/9
I didn't do the last #NaNoWriMo because I was still in a relationship where everything I wanted to do was pointless, especially if it wasn't making money. 2/9
#Writing has always been something I love doing, but have never thought of myself as being good at. And I've been okay with that. I write for myself, and so that I can tell the stories I want to tell. 3/9
Deciding to do the last #CampNaNoWriMo was a huge decision for me, and I'm realizing now that it was so much more than I thought it was. 4/9
I set myself a goal of 50000 words, and passed it by 103 words. For me, that was huge. I ended up getting sick, and falling behind, but I still finished. 5/9
Just by giving myself a goal, and giving myself the time to do something I love doing, and that makes me happy was one of the best things I could have done for myself. 6/9
I realized that even if I'm not a good writer, still doing it is okay. It's okay to do things that I love doing, even if no one else thinks I should. 7/9
If I set myself a goal, and I don't reach it, that's okay, because I know that I tried. I just wanted to be creative, and I definitely was. Having friends who supported me definitely helped me finish, and I owe them all so much. 8/9
What I'm going to do with my writing now, I don't know. The point is that I wrote, and I'm glad I did. So, take the time to do something for yourself, even if no one else thinks you should. 9/9
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