Interesting what some people believe a “devout Muslim” is and how scared they are of the definition they create in their own minds. This also applies to the meanings many ascribe to the wearing of a hijab. Now, is one to be less “devout” becoz of someone else’s imagination? ...
...Both Muslims and non-Muslims misattribute outward religiosity to piety. Many are eloquent reciters, charismatic speakers, popular demagogues, immaculate dressers and keen bearers of religious paraphernalia, but it doesn’t go beyond the surface or their throats...
...Having commitment to faith is more than what we show for recognition or sentimental attachments. It is a commitment to keep turning to the Divine in all situations, a commitment to introspection and connection even when we feel like throwing in the towel, a commitment to...
...acting with our higher divine-centred selves rather than our lower egos, a commitment to maintain humility as a steward of the Divine even though we have been elevated in status, a commitment to persevere in truth even when it is easier and more lucrative to lie.
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