I’d like to take a moment while the fandom is on the topic of redemption arcs. Let’s talk about Yotsuyu.

One of the main takes I see about her is that she got a redemption arc while x character in sb didn’t.

If you think Tsuyu was the redemption for Yotsuyu, you’re mistaken.
Tsuyu was the child inside of Yotsuyu that never got to exist. She was the child that was lost to abuse, hatred, and heinous acts.

For a brief time, Yotsuyu got to experience the childhood she never had.
Tsuyu was not redemption, she was a way to show that the worst people can be conditioned through their childhoods. Not everyone escapes the evils of their past. Many people are still dealing with their parent’s abuse, or their siblings being “better” than them.
How many of us wish we could go back and defend ourselves? How many of us lost our own childhoods?

In the end, Tsuyu is the childhood Yotsuyu got to experience, finally, and she moved past it on her own terms finally.
To move past it, she killed her parents and her brother. She achieved what many people secretly wish they could do - just to a lesser degree.

Most of us don’t want to hurt others, but Yotsuyu only knew pain until she met Gosetsu, and for a moment she understood familial love.
She died having dealt with her pain in the wrong way, but everything Yotsuyu ever did was “wrong”. Her parents, Asahi , Zenos... she was constantly the lesser until she took up Tsukuyomi’s mantle and did what she had always wanted to: died having gotten her revenge.
This is not a redemption arc. It is the end of a victim who came undone due to her constant abuse. It is a tragedy, not a victorious return to good.
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