I am not your defenseless negro.

Don't treat me differently because you prefer me docile and completely at the mercy of a government that has a troubled and racist past.
I'm not your defenseless negro.

Don't tell me burning down my neighborhood is beneficial, but carrying a gun is not important to the freedom of my people.
I'm not your defenseless negro.

Don't use the deaths of my brothers and sisters as political pawns in your #GunControl chess game.
I'm not your defenseless negro.

Don't chant black lives matter if you disagree with black lives arming ourselves.
I'm not your defenseless negro.

I will not adhere to your gun laws because you want to protect your neighborhoods.
I'm not your defenseless negro.

I choose to live armed to be free.
I'm not your defenseless negro.

This is the new normal for black America. We aren't your pet vote. #2AOverGunControl
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