I read a Bible that describes women functioning as prophetesses, priestesses, and queens.

Perhaps patriarchalism is misusing triperspectivalism and the munus triplex.

John Calvin innovated the three-fold office as a helpful way to disseminate Christology in his institutes. Though others prior to him had mentioned a three-folded mess, no one elucidated on it quite like he did.
As he developed his three-fold office in the various editions of the Institutes, he discussed how believers, regardless of gender, appropriated each of the offices in their own spiritual living.
I thought I’d share this thread b/c it seems a patriarchal website has misused this doctrine to defend biblical manhood.
Apparently people will make Scripture and theology say whatever they want in order to subject women to men.
But really, this is real violence to the doctrine of the munus triplex. Calvin intentionally developed it in light of the the doctrine of union with Christ and how every believer is empowered by the three-fold office regardless of gender, race, class.
It was a democratizing doctrine. To develop an argument that men especially claim tri-perspectivalism does violence to God’s good intention for the mutuality and equality in human anthropology AND it upsets the doctrine of soteriology.
Honestly, the Complementarian camp is now doing to soteriology what they did to the Trinity in order to defend the subjugation and oppression of women.

They should take their article down. It’s bad theology.
Appending this thread too... https://twitter.com/joeycochran/status/1388513902082904065
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