yeah this shit right here is a perfect example of why as a genderfluid person i very often feel unsafe around other communists, because way too many feel completely comfortable theorizing me out of existence. & no i dont care that you’re nonbinary. lateral oppression isn’t better
communism is when you’re transphobic & erase all conceptions of gender outside of your extremely limited view based entirely on western colonialist gender 😌 /s
this thread puts it way better than i could
makes me think of those godawful “soviet states of america” maps that are just more colonialism but with commie aesthetics. if you’re willing to erase & condemn cultural genders, what other aspects of cultures that have suffered from colonialism do you want to do away with?
and even aside from cultural genders, this thread positions nonbinary genders as if they’re all related to the binary of male/female in some way, which is just not true at all.
nonbinary genders are not in any way comparable to cissexist bioessentialism. if you think they are, you don’t know what BIOessentialist means.
the irony of this thread is that it dismisses nonbinary genders being able to exist on their own on the grounds that gender is a social construct while also using communism to make the transphobia & exorsexism seem progressive, as if communism isn’t also a social construct.
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