For 1,000+ days, I’ve kept a gratitude journal.

Here’s what I learned about happiness and fulfillment:
We have one delusion.

= achieving something will make us happy and fulfilled forever

But here’s the truth:

“Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.”

Pick your desires carefully.
Our time on earth is short.

Acknowledging this makes you realize life can be a fun game and what matters is your experience of reality.
Gratitude for the simple stuff keeps you grounded.

"I'm grateful that I have a warm bed to sleep in."

Have you ever thought about how lucky you are to have that?
We have a choice.

Reality is neutral and doesn’t judge.

To a tree there is nothing good or bad.

How we choose to interpret our experiences is up to us.
When happiness is a choice, we can work towards it.
Take the pressure off.

Don’t expect if you keep a daily gratitude journal you’ll never have a bad day!

I have plenty of them.

Part of being human.
Daily gratitude makes you mindful.

Mindful of that cool tree you walked by outside your house.

Or that text you got from a friend.
If you live life without mindfulness, you are on autopilot.

When you’re on autopilot, you can wake up in 5 years and wonder where time went.

Gratitude makes you stop and appreciate what you have as you strive for more.
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