Anyway i want to make a big thread about positive stuff that happened recently so here (ill link the site at the end of the thread cause i found it pretty cool :D)

Dutch cities are increasing bee populations after they started to decline in the 1940s :D
A vaccine for malaria has been 77% effective :DD
This year was the most diverse oscars :D
A asda has said in 50 of its stores across the uk (not sure where) to sell pre worn clothes to preven them going to landfills :D
WILD CATS ARE BACK (hopefully)
England and wales want to reintroduce scottish wildcats which is huge because theres really not many
Some people in england bought a farm together to grow community food :DD
New zealand is hoping to prevent younger generations from smoking :D
End of thread i think :D this is the website btw it super interesting i think :D (also im not great at wording things so sorry if these sound weird sorry i hope the link works sorry) 
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