1/5 - Some do not understand that it is not the stereotype that makes you a star but the uniqueness. Being different makes you stand out from others. Bayley didn't become a star because she dresses sexy and gets out of a limo or because she cut a stereotypical bitch promos
2/5 - For some it works ( but they have to be good at playing the gimmick and good in the ring ). Not for her.
Bayley has become a star because her look, her promos, her personality, her natural charisma and her style in the ring are unique from all the rest.
3/5 - Many gimmicks that some women have are the fruit of decades of sexist vision that male promoters have had on them. The conformance of female characters that this male-dominated business has given us for years.. has made us believe that stereotype is the key to success.
4/5 - sexy and shiny dressed women with colored hair there are hundreds of them in any promotion. I don't see anyone with Bayley's look. It is unique and attracts attention. Her unique talent, her revolutionary matches and her nonconformist style is the reason for her success
5/5 - If Bayley had been a generic cool woman posing as a celebrity… she wouldn't have become the star she is. As AJ Lee said to her "Remember it's okay to be yourself". Bayley is herself.
This makes her cool and "real". Uniqueness is the key to success.
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