Golf carts have become a “thing” in my neighborhood, and the process has been interesting to watch.

Primarily because it hasn’t been some upper-class, go buy a brand spanking new one with all the bells and whistles and show off thing. Nope.
That approach would actually be socially frowned upon. The thing to do is to find an OLD one at a bargain price that’s beat to hell - and start tinkering. This practice has slowly burgeoned into kind of a neighborhood hobby.
In the evenings on a nice day, there are multiple families toodling around the neighborhood and waving and socializing - often with the kids driving.
The men are rigging (sometimes hilariously shoe-stringing it) led lights and stereos and custom tops and wood bench seats on back for extra kiddos, etc. Saw one recently with bamboo wind chimes hanging from the roof and tinkling.
One wife: Ima put a SURREY FRINGE on this thing. And paint it purple.
Husband: No.
Her: Yeah I am. Watch. 😂
The whole burgeoning thing has just been amusing, because it’s not some stuffy materialist status thing - it’s all very neighborly and tongue-in-cheek.
And almost every week, someone else finds a deal for some piece of crap on craigslist or whatever, rigs some batteries and gets it running, and joins the Evening Promenade.
It seems to have been weirdly socially bonding, and the kiddos are having a BLAST, and learning to smile and hello their neighbors.
Promenading (and sometimes pulling over for a chat), y’all. 😂
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