Namaste! As I remarked to the authors of that Devex article y'day, it is one of the more decent articles on the topic. However, it doesn't do full justice to the problem that our Nation faces due to #FCRA enabled advocacy, demographic-change, NatSecCompromises etc. due +
+majorly to the authors' own ignorance of the holistic picture of FCRA. Some factoids Ma'm @veenas_water
(1) Indian 'civil society', i.e., foreign funded NGOs, i.e., #FCRA-NGOs receive ~USD 2.5 Billion p.a., 40% of which comes from USA, 9.5% from UK, 9% from Germany etc. 2/n
+But Wait! In 2011-12, the intra-India FC transfers (what the FCRA Wing calls as Secondary Transfers and the 'Civil Society' calls as 'Sub-Granting') was estimated to be ~9-10% of the total inflows. See this seminal Post
However, per MoS(H) reply in 3/n
+Rajya Sabha to Q. No. 304 in the recent session, the magnitude of Intra-India Transfer had ballooned to 13.3%, making India #2 in the 'Granting Countries' List. Ridiculous, no? Every time I tell this to handles who ask me this doubt on 'How does India figure in the foreign 4/n
+ "donors" list?', they get zapped. Trust me, for my followers can testify to my deep interests & 'knowledge' (fwiw) on this matter. Being inside the FCRA system has made the FCRA honchos immune to logic & common sense, I'm sorry to say. A consequence of this 'sub-granting' is5/n
+the enormous muscle that Delhi based FCRA-NGOs have gained, with absolutely ZERO intrinsic presence on the Ground. Take the case of National Foundation for India-Delhi, #FCRA-NGO, DL/231650642. NFI's Closing FD balance on Mar31,2019 was Rs. 35.77Crore, while the total fresh 6/n
+foreign fund inflow in 2018-19 itself was just Rs. 8.4 Crore, ALL of which NFI transferred to 170 FCRA-NGOs all across Desh. So, what actually does NFI do, on its own? Is this not a legitimate question to ask, Ma'm @veenas_water ? You know what Ma'm? If an anon twitter 7/n
+handle has to write these and none of the so-called 'Development Experts' have EVER mentioned these? What that tells is these stakeholders aren't entirely telling the truth (i.e., if they know it). Nor do the Neo 'Philanthropy researchers' of our Nation. Let us get back to+
+discussion (sorry for digressing). This intra-India transfer has created an Ugly, Menacing Demon in New Delhi (a place I wish our Nation's capital moved out of -- sooner the better for all of us, incl. for Delhi). Delhi has only 1500 FCRA-NGOs (compare to TN which has 3200!) +
+Yet, Delhi's FCRA-NGOs received 25% of the total Direct FC inflows for 2018-19. See our analyses ; So, in a sense, this lop-sided 'growth' of Delhi's 'Civil Society' has created a set of people/entities +
+whose entitlement is Unbounded, who know no Laws of our Nation, who are emboldened and fattened by ever-flowing $$s, all of which they conduit to the hinterlands, while sitting cosily on the Bank FD Corpus from past FC inflows and doing the European Seminar Circuit in +
+the summers. Just today, a EU-India Peoples Summit started (May 1-8, 2021); Check the Speakers' List and Agenda online & you cannot but agree with what I'm saying. If I may borrow the lingo the 'Civil Society' is fond of using: Why are the hinterland #FCRA-NGOs not being+
+empowered by Direct Benefit Transfer from the Foreign 'Donor'? Why humor the intermediary in Delhi? What is this intermediary's role? Are the Delhi FCRA-NGOs faithfully reproducing the Native Opinions? A corollary is: Why does the Foreign 'Donor' hesitate to directly 'donate'+
+to the hinterland? Why can't the foreign 'entity' open a Liason Office here? (So many Breaking India foreign entities have opened FEMA compliant Liason offices over the past few years; so, why can't more do so & work with the vast number of small FCRA-NGOs?). Are the +
+FCRA intermediaries really working as Fiduciaries? Nah. Evidence speaks otherwise. Check out Posts on  & 
3) Coming to the instant case of ATREE, KA/94420739, I notice that it has not done any secondary FC transfer in 2018-19 +
+vide your FC4, although small sums have been reported by 3 FCRA-NGOs to have been received from ATREE in 2018-19. These being: 1)SM Sehgal Foundation-Gurgaon, HR/172270076 (Rs. 6.8lakh), 2)Foundation for Ecol. Security, DL/231660521 (Rs. 1.0 lakh) & 3) CAF-DL/231660165(Rs. 25L)+
+These are relatively small sums, which those FCRA-NGOs could have easily gotten from the foreign 'donors' directly & needn't have had to depend on ATREE.
(III) The third revelation (for many; not for my followers who are the most intelligent species on Earth) is that +
+FCRA-NGOs are already sitting on a Cash Pile of USD 2.5 Billion in their Bank Fixed Deposits, which is their accumulated, Unspent money from past FC Inflows. If this pandemic requires money (I don't agree that it requires money as much as it requires materials & skilled ppl, +
+but let us continue with the charade that the pandemic requires money, that too money for 'civil society'!!), why can't the FCRA-NGOs monetize their FD and show their large hearts to the Natives? Wasn't that the purpose of the foreign 'donors'? \\end
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