it's BPD awareness month, so I'll be tweeting and educating people. Today I'll be briefly talking about the symptoms ❤️

What is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? It is also known as Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD).

It is a condition which affects how you think, feel and interact with other people. There is a lot of stigma surrounding it from other people, and even doctors.
For a diagnosis, a person has to be displaying 5 out of 9 symptoms. Not every person with BPD is the same, as there are many different combinations of symptoms, and their intensity. BPD can be seen as a spectrum, where each symptom can be mild to severe.
One person with BPD might experience severe dissociation and impulsivity, whilst another one might not. It all depends on each individual person and their experiences. There are 4 categories of BPD types which I'll talk about another day.
There are also some less talked about, and not official symptoms (not part of the 9 which are displayed when being diagnosed).
There are 4 sub-types of BPD. Some people fit into one category, or overlap with more than one. They are:
- Discouraged
- Impulsive
- Petulant
- Self destructive
- Discouraged Borderline

"Discouraged borderline personality disorder is a subtype that most closely resembles the core BPD subtype. People that fit the criteria for this subtype are often less assertive, more compliant, and more likely to feel depressed and powerless."
Symptoms that are specific to Discouraged Borderlines include:
- Extreme loyalty
- Excessive dependence on others
- Feelings of emptiness
- Constant feeling of vulnerability and weakness
- Easily influenced
- Self deprivation rooted in feelings of worthlessness
- Impulsive Borderline

"Borderline impulsive type is a subtype of BPD characterized by impulsivity, distractibility, irritability and thrill-seeking behaviour. People with this type of BPD are often charming and seductive and are prone to suicidality and self-harm."
Symptoms that are specific to Impulsive Borderlines include:
- Risk taking
- High levels of energy
- Easily bored
- Likely struggle with excessive money spending, binge eating, speeding etc.
- Not thinking of consequences
- Petulant Borderline

"People with petulant borderline personality disorder tend to be pessimistic, resentful, critical, indirectly aggressive, restless, and easily disappointed. They may quickly feel insulted and react in defiant and stubborn ways to perceived slights.
People with this subtype are often unpredictable in their relationships, often engaging in a “push-pull” dynamic in which they feel a deep need for others, then push them away."
Symptoms that are specific to Petulant Borderlines include:
- Outbursts of anger
- Fear of abandonment
- Constantly searching for validation
- Intense mood swings
- Feelings of being unworthy and unloved
- Passive aggressive
- Suspicions of others and paranoia in relationships
- Self Destructive Borderline

"Self-destructive borderlines also share features of depressive disorders. People who fit the description of this subtype of BPD may be self-punishing, experience low moods and introverted. In addition to that they are most likely to be suicidal."
Symptoms that are specific to Self Destructive Borderlines include:
- Intense feelings of self hatred
- Prone to self harm
- Suicidal behaviour
- Unstable self image
- Substance abuse
- Engage in reckless behaviours out of lack of self care
- Believe no one cares about them
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