The mob is still angry, roaming the streets with digital pitchforks and verbal torches. Rioting hasn’t broken out en masse like we saw last year. But the mob reign of terror is in full effect.
The outcry from celebrities and the Twitter mob was despicable. Anyone who watches the video can see that it was a good shoot and that the cop was defending an innocent person.
However, he was berated online by people calling him racist or a white supremacist. People asking why he couldn’t tase her or shoot the knife out of her hand show their ignorance and lack of reason.
He was deemed a homophobe and the aggressor in a situation that is very unclear. And his story contradicts a lot of what the kids claim.

Despite this, the mob ran with the narrative and urged his company to make him step down as CEO.
My New Worry of the Mob

A few weeks ago, I was worried about riots running rampant. I now fear an institutionalization of mob injustice.
People will always get away with crimes in this fallen world, but enforcing a system of real injustice is terrifying. We’ve seen it in Socialist countries like Maoist China or the USSR under Stalin.
What I’ve seen this week is reticent of the intimidation tactics of those evil regimes. My hope is we can wake up before it’s too late and change the direction of our culture.

Social Chatter:

Does God owe Sodom and Gomorrah an Apology? (

Build Back Better from @FRANKCUNHAIII (

Don't let your enemies define you from @ManlyVirtue (
Is the SSPX in schism? from @knight_atlantic (
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