Yesterday was Hitler's death anniversary. If certain Indian liberals had been around in 1945 Germany, they would have denied the Jewish people the right to call him a murderer and accused those who did so of revelling in a fellow human being's death. Stating facts is not revelry.
Some of the liberal handles who have been after @SharjeelUsmani since yesterday are the same who demand that everyone celebrate #Vajpayee as a gentleman instead of the mukhauta for fascism that he was. Stop telling the oppressed how to react to the death of an oppressor. (Contd)
I realise that not all those who say "don't speak ill of the dead" are indifferent to the marginalised - this is one of those mindless omnipresent dictums you hear even from minority groups. It's a complex subject so I wrote an essay on it last year👇🏽
An essay will not be enough to cover the hypocrisy of right-wingers who say it's wrong to describe an "enabler" of genocide as one, while they have for years LITERALLY celebrated the illness and deaths of political opponents. How can we ever forget this? (Contd)
Or this?
Or this?
Even as I write this, a journalist whose father died of #COVID is currently being mocked & harangued by right-wingers. It is ridiculous that some liberals equate these sub-humans with a member of an oppressed community who merely stated that the oppressor was an oppressor. (Ends)
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