As Becca Rothfeld said, think you what you will about the traumatising effect of seeing a naked adult man by accident on your computer screen, if you're a serious progressive you will still want your union to fight for a “no firing for Zoom mishaps” clause in your contract.
And as @ebruenig wisely points out, even she, at 30, is old enough to remember when, on accidentally seeing someone naked, it was the naked person we felt sorry for, not *ourselves*.
We're living in a frightening new reality, where tech infiltrates our lives & bleeds across the boundary btwn public & private in ways we all have difficulty navigating. To react w anything other than compassion to the failure of others to navigate it well is both foolish & evil.
“Just don't do anything wrong, and the universal-surveillance apparatus will not cause any trouble for you” is not a viable long-term strategy.
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