There's so much concern for "what women and girls have to put up with" re inappropriate behaviour from men but until we tackle tropes that say women are prudish / sexphobic / pearl-clutching for objecting to things we might think are okay, I don't think we'll get far.
"Isn't it terrible women feel they have to just laugh it off when men are being total creeps," you say, before filing your piece on why watching porn in the workplace is fine and any woman who objects is a bigot.
Idk, it's almost as tho part of the reason women "put up with" crap is because it's a moral obligation unless a man is taking one for the team by being "designated creep of the week" to make it look like we're doing something.
I also think it should be possible to disagree on what is "appropriate behaviour" without pathologising women. "I don't believe that is harmful because ...", not "you're a massive pearl-clutching Helen Lovejoy whose views are all based on phobias".
(Also think one of the most insidious things about the pathologisation of women's objections to sexual exploitation / objectification is that it insinuates those who've suffered a greater degree of abuse might be too "damaged" to have valid arguments)
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