It's not okay that being a Goro fan and/or having a Goro pfp makes so many people believe you MUST ship Shu/ake. Goro should not automatically make people think Shu/ake 100% of the time. Goro exists outside of the ship. People are fans of him and don't ship Shu/ake.
It's so frustrating how much "Goro = Shu/ake" these days. You can almost never find someone who doesn't think like that and it fucking sucks.

Fuck people who only "care" about Goro for Shu/ake and cannot talk about him outside of Shu/ake and his non-canon sexuality.
It's like there aren't any Goro fans anymore and people only care about him in the context of Shu/ake. Cause when I sell any kind of Goro merch (usually official), people who inquire about it ALWAYS want Joker as well. Nobody wants JUST Goro.
Goro doesn't exist as his own character to so many of y'all Shu/ake shippers and it fucking sucks that y'all have a monopoly and total fucking control over HIS fandom. Y'all literally turned Goro's fandom into the Shu/ake fandom. People aren't allowed to like Goro any other way.
Y'all force Shu/ake. Simple as that. Don't know how much more simple I have to make it.

It has nothing to do with the sexuality of the ship, the people who ship it, or the people who don't like/ship it and has everything to do with how toxic and gatekeeping the shippers are.
Tired of y'all fake ass bitches doing everything possible to make it like y'all don't do such a thing, but y'all mob and snuff out anything and anyone that y'all don't personally approve of as a herd and it's fucking shitty and toxic.
And the only reason y'all get away with it and so many people are none the wiser is because y'all have THAT much influence and control over the happenings of the fandom and what is and isn't spread. It is absolutely insane and needs to be talked about.
And y'all KNOW THIS when you tell those of us who don't like/ship Shu/ake to just "create the content we want" because it'll just be drowned out by all of the Shu/ake content and we won't be able to have our own space in the fandom, no matter what we do.
We have little to no ability to put ourselves out there and find others who like the things we do and it's all because of how much of a monopoly Shu/ake has on Goro and his fandom. And how y'all just won't let other opinions and Goro ships that they dont approve of exist at all.
Y'all tell us that we can ship what we want and we're not required nor being forced to ship Shu/ake, but y'all attack other Goro ships, especially ones that aren't mlm. We can't win in any situation unless we stay quiet and don't be as open about our own things as y'all are.
Y'all tell us that y'all "don't mind bi/pan Goro", but the moment that y'all see someone shipping Goro with a woman, y'all suddenly forget that y'all even said that in the first place and accuse us of seeing Goro as straight.
If that isn't fucking bi/panphobia, saying one thing but meaning another, and hypocrisy, then I don't know what fucking is and everything I know is a fucking lie, I guess.

And this is to only name a few issues that Shu/ake shippers cause but completely deny.
Cause don't make me bring up how one of y'all dug up Shu/mako fanart from 2018-2019 just to accuse it of tracing "official Shu/ake art", despite them just referencing the fucking pose. And how y'all disowned a Shu/ake shipper for not siding with y'all on the accusation.
Or how y'all will use the end of Sojiro's confidant to claim that he "doesn't want Joker dating Futaba", but ALWAYS conveniently leave the line out afterwards of him literally saying that he probably wouldn't actually mind that at all.
Or how y'all will use the word "supremacy" as if there isn't a lot of negative connotation in how the word most commonly has been and is used, especially in the US today, and say "Shu/ake supremacy!" when y'all "have a victory" involving your ship being made "canon".
Or how Goro will just stand or sit or just EXIST in a certain way and y'all apply homophobic stereotypes to him all damn time, calling him things that are pretty derogatory coming from non-mlms, who are saying said things the most out of y'all.
Because say what you fucking want about it "being okay" because "you're LGBT", but y'all wouldn't want anyone who isn't wlw, hell, anyone who isn't a lesbian saying the d-slur, even if they are LGBT and not cishet. Doesn't make any fucking goddamn sense.
It's super fucking gross how y'all treat Goro. I don't fucking care if he's real or not cause if y'all can be super fucking pressed about anybody even IMPLYING he isn't exclusively attracted to men, I can be pressed about y'all writing/drawing Goro getting raped and preyed on.
But even though the people who do that shit are older than ME, y'all harp on the fact that I'm 22 and have been self shipping myself with Goro since I was an 18 year old high schooler myself. And as an autistic, you cannot seriously expect me to just DROP my special interest.
Y'all are focused on all the wrong problems, which are only problems to y'all, because y'all KNOW the only people who are doing the most fucked up problematic shit is YOU all. But y'all want to put that guilt and shame onto everyone else instead of owning up to it.
So much so that the fandom went from having it being public knowledge that there were a select few disgusting people who shipped Goro with his dad, to that shit just being swept under the fucking rug and just letting it happen, all while adding shipping Goro with Maruki to it.
And the amount of people who want Goro to be RAPED and literally openly and publicly ADMIT to that, and will write/draw him being raped is INSANE. And yet I STILL SEE m/w Goro ships getting called out more often than Goro being RAPED and shipped with MIDDLE AGED MEN.
"But that's what you see you don't see us calling it out" Don't act like y'all aren't everywhere and it's hard to know what tf is going on with y'all.

Seriously. Y'all take up more of an issue with Ake/sumi than fucking SHI/AKE, of all the ships???
Y'all act like the age gap is huge when it isn't much of one to begin with. But y'all are the same people who equated shipping Joker with Futaba to shipping Yu with Nanako.

Futaba is 15. Nanako is FUCKING 7-8 YEARS OLD.
Futaba and Kasumi are the same age, meaning that they aren't far in age from neither Joker nor Goro like... at all. That's just two teenagers dating.

But I bet y'all would not take issue with Shu/ake if Joker was a first year instead of a second year.
I honestly don't think you'd care as much anyways because some of y'all don't even fucking know Goro nor Joker's ages and school years. I've had many encounters with y'all that thought Goro was a second year or that Joker was a third year or that Goro is 16-17 like Joker.
And it's not like those were slip-ups or typos. Many of those instances were said with a FULL FUCKING CHEST, so sure that they were 100% correct.

The sheer lack of knowledge, logic, and common fucking sense y'all have is literally fucking insane.
There is these and SO many other instances and examples of exactly why I hate Shu/ake shippers so much.

And the fact that so many of y'all be like "well it wasn't me who did that" but refuse to take responsibility regardless and fucking do better is really fucking telling.
And to expect those of us without much influence, reach, following, etc to "be the bigger person in the situation" and do all the fucking work to fix the problems YOU all created and continue to create and encourage is seriously FUCKED UP.
If you don't want people to hate on y'all, then stop giving them fucking reasons to.

And no, it has nothing to do with y'all and what y'all's labels and shit are. It has everything to do with all I just mentioned in this thread and then some.
Y'all don't get respect by verbally and emotionally beating it out of us. Y'all get respect by treating us the way y'all want to be treated. It's that fucking simple.

And the fact that y'all don't understand that is why I disrespect the FUCK out of y'all.
Cause y'all disrespected me first, even when I had been and still was respecting y'all for some time, the moment I first spoke up about how toxic and unwelcoming y'all are and simply asked y'all to have some common fucking decency and be considerate of other Goro fans.
So take your opinions of me and shove it right up your fucking ass. Cause I don't give a fuck. I only give a fuck about speaking up and telling my side of the story, telling people of my experiences and what I've been through at the hands of y'all.
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