If you go through the history of how Jesus went from being depicted (by artists) as a short-haired, beardless man to a flowing, long-haired man with full beards, you'd know the entirety of Christianity is just as syncretic as other major religions, including Islam.
Religions and their Gods, a creation of man's ingenuity and imaginations, drew inspirations from the predominant cultures, myths and trends in its birthplace.

For Christianity, this goes from the creation story, the idea of trinity, heaven and hell, baptism etc
Pick out a major world religion, trace its place of birth and study the civilisations dominant during the time of that religion's conception.

Study the ancient religions from that period, their myths,their legends etc. Some of those ancient religions are still in existence today
Study the Zoroastrian religion, a religion that predates Christianity and Islam by at least 1000 years. It was the religion of ancient Sumer, the Assyrians et all.

When you start merging some of its core practices and beliefs with that of Rome, Greece etc, a pattern emerges
Anyway, this is just me musing as usual. Man created religion, man created God. And they built on the concepts laid down by the men before them.

Islam and Christianity is filled with syncretism, ideas drawn from Sumer, Assyria, Greece, Rome, ancient Judea etc etc
PS: This thread wasn't supposed to be about the depiction of Christ please. The depiction of Christ was supposed to be just a REFERENCE for syncretism within religions.

Concepts like heaven/hell, trinity, baptism, monotheism, story of the Garden of Eden etc were all borrowed
An example of Syncretism is how Islam and Christianity borrowed lots of concepts from Judaism, including their patriarch (Abraham).

I make reference to Christianity because that's the religion I understand better. I was born and raised a Christian.
And this is just me musing as usual. In the past, I will write these things down in a diary and ponder over them. But social media is today's diary so here we are.

It is a harmless musing. You're free to believe whatever you want. The sky is big enough for all of us. 🤗🤗
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