Human beings are the only species that deliberately deprive themselves of sleep for no apparent reason other than cultural and societal constructs.

A thread on how you can sleep better:
When it comes to sleep, "failure to prepare is preparing to fail."

We have a personal responsibility in achieving regular high-quality sleep.
What you do immediately before you go to bed directly affects your sleep quality and duration, while what you do after waking has significant consequences for the rest of your day (and the next night).

There is no single pill solution for high-quality sleep.
The most effective approach is a broad one and will lead to much better results.

That said, there are some things you can do that will have an outsized impact compared to others.

These are the 20% of inputs that will lead to 80% of the results.
1. Consistency:

Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day.

Your body struggles to keep its circadian rhythm in check when you don't stay consistent.

If you're choosing between the two to stay consistent, choose wake-time because it's more important.
2. Light:

Get lots of darkness at night and make sure you get daylight during the first half of the day.

Darkness triggers melatonin secretion, promoting sleep.
3. Temperature:

Your core body temperature needs to drop by 2-3 degrees Fahrenheit (~1 degree Celcius) for you to get to sleep.

Make sure your room is cool, or have a warm shower before bedtime. It brings blood to your extremities, cooling your core.
4. Wait until you're tired:

Don't lie awake in bed.

It trains your brain to associate your bed with wakefulness.

Think about it, you don't sit at the table waiting to eat dinner.

Why would you lie in bed waiting to fall asleep?
5. Avoid:

Alcohol, naps (in the late afternoon), caffeine, large meals and beverages late at night.
My next thread will cover ~30 additional tips for maximising the quality of your sleep.

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