sexuality / pronoun headcanons about my comfort characters !! (multifandom)
jennifer walters - she/her, pansexual
gray calloway - they/he, bisexual
sheena / tigress - she/her, unlabeled
link (botw) - genderfluid, ace, bisexual
clint barton - he/they/bow, bisexual
sokka - he/him, bisexual
patsy walker - she/her, lesbian
cindy moon - she/he/they, bisexual
adora - she/he/they, lesbian (canon)
mermista - she/he, bisexual (canon)
korra - she/he, bisexual (canon)
mako - he/they, bisexual
luna snow - she/her, unlabeled
bobbi morse - she/he/they, bisexual
scorpia - she/they, lesbian
zelda (botw) - she/they, pansexual
carmen sandiego - she/he/they, bisexual
peter quill - he/they, bisexual (canon)
kate bishop - they/she, unlabeled
OKAY THATS ALL !!!!!!! BYE BYE !!!!!!!!!
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