The parallels within the Choker video to the Trench trilogy are very apparent.

Running from the Bishop / running from Josh (like Jumpsuit)

Being dragged by the Bishop / being dragged by Josh (like Levitate).

The difference is motivation. There’s more at stake, and despite +
the lyrics being about isolation and an internal battle, we see Columbus Tyler / Clancy / Trench Tyler deciding to take action.

This action is not a selfish act - it directly impacts other individuals. Which makes sense because he has a wife and child now. Focus changes. +
“I’m going to change my circumstance / I need to move right now” is the siren call that we are empowered to make change even in what seems like dire circumstances.

In this case he decides to sacrifice his own well being to save someone he who is important to him - Trash. There
is more to this relationship than we know.

Within the composition of the song & the lyrics we see growth & transformation. The end the song goes from present to a reflection - growth & transformation.

“You get taller, bolder, stronger / and the rear view only blinds you”

This is reflected in the end result.

He is transformed into a new “character”. As I said earlier we see Columbus Tyler / Clancy / Trench Tyler in this video & the uncertainty of who the characters are is purposeful.

We have different sides of ourselves. We share differently +
depending on the “audience”. This is true throughout life. You put on a game-face when competing. You put on work clothes for a job. You go into “mom mode” when caring for kids.

We adapt. We change. We grow. We transform.

They share differently in front of an audience +
too. Perhaps it is a reminder that the people we see onstage & listen to are not the whole story.

The real Josh and Tyler go into character onstage. They are not who they are at home. The stage show is a production.

Sound familiar? Propaganda in a sense. We do not see +
reality. We see what they decide (or maybe allowed) to share.

That is a type of control too.

So it makes sense why they can write such an elaborate story on propaganda and control. They have been living under “rule” by so many controlling interests for a long time.

If you +
have tried to ever remove a copywrite claim you understand. FBR might withdraw it, but the RIAA might notify Elektra or Warner too who says no. They have an interest too.

The web of people and standalone businesses connected to any one piece of music is astounding.

I think +
this is something they have learned to live with and perfect.

A year ago they said they didn’t want to do a livestream. They said they didn’t want to release an album without the vision of playing it live.

Yet here we are. This is telling and part of the framework of SAI. +
Maybe they didn’t even “want” to put out an album and do a livestream? Maybe they were “obligated” and embedded those feelings into an album? Used it as purpose and merged it into the Dema storyline?

Of course more will be revealed - it this is my first take on the +
possible deeper reasons why we got an album with control and propaganda as the backbone of a connection to Dema.

Thanks again.

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