Anyone mocking this needs to grow the hell up. We’ve all been isolated, alone, seeing nothing but the darkness of the world for over a year now. Tweets about corporate empires can occur another day. Sometimes seeing a fantasy castle and experiencing childlike joy again is enough.
The entirety of Twitter sincerely cannot fathom that anyone could possibly A) love their job, B) be an adult and still occasionally experience unironic joy and wonder, or C) take any positive emotions from something that is not explicitly related to a political ideology
I’m annoyed by entitled Disney millennials as much as the next guy, but the level of cynical projecting this website does whenever they see anyone experiencing strong emotions over something they don’t understand is just phenomenal. y’all really just hate humans don’t you
anytime someone tells sincere and purehearted theme park fans to grow up, my response is this quote from CS Lewis: “when I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to seem very grown up.”
By the “adults should never enjoy Disneyland” logic, if you’ve ever cried while watching a movie, you have a parasocial relationship with a capitalist empire. Theme parks, like movies, are artworks created to move the heart. The only difference is they exist in tangible spaces.
At the end of the day tho, most of this comes from a perception of theme parks being about “meeting characters in costumes and seeing fireworks” when much of the appeal truly comes from satisfying architectural choices, creative spatial storytelling and celebration of imagination
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