One time this girl and I were really into each other. Then one of her 'besties' was creeping on my twitter and was telling her my negative tweets were about her. It pretty much ruined the relationship.

I still think about that sometimes.
Turns out, this 'bestie' was into her to and was trying to get me out of the picture. I guess it worked? But yeah We're not talking teenagers here, all of us were in our 20s haha
'Bestie' not only told the girl, but her friends too (who already didn't like me because I wasn't from their clique). They in turn, gaslighted her into thinking I was this toxic person who just kept messing up all their lives for even existing.

Again, not teenagers. ADULTS.
Around this time I was battling some serious depression, the loss of a parent, etc and I was not about any of this this teen drama so I stepped away. 'Bestie' and all the friends continued to throw shade though (including some very tasteless suicide jokes).
Man, I really liked that girl. Like a lot. But oh well. What can you do? I think the worst part was how those friends were gaslighting the girl into thinking I was toxic and by extension , gaslighting ME. I honestly thought I was the worst person in existence.
Of course, I'm not pouting about being a victim. And I'm aware I'm not perfect, especially during that chapter in my life.

But that chapter taught me so much about people and myself. Some pretty tough lessons too.
Its still a bummer. Not because the failed relationship (that still sucked lol) but because I wasted so much on that whole scene. I feel like thats a big chunk of my life that's just gone.

And for what?
I mean, the education and self-discovery was invaluable but I kinda wish I didn't have to be schooled then and there during one of the worst times of my life. It was unfair and exhausting.
But yeah, I was thinking about all of that earlier and its soooooo cringey. All these straight up grown ups being that petty. People can really suck sometimes.

Anyway, its almost funny to look back on now. I totally dodged the bullet too I think.
I also think that bestie that was into her was also a Bronie haha I think he has a twitch gaming channel too. Not hating on streamers (some of my close friends stream) but he is soooooo a type.

His screen name was Bro Dude Gamer or something haha what a worm.
Anyway, this thread isnt some sort of pity party. I'm fine with all of that and it was a long time ago.

Just, be mindful of gaslighters. For real. People can have a power over you if you let them. Please don't let that happen. Be YOU.
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