Gonna be real, it's dissapointing how little the cosplay community cares about disability issues & ableism. People don't even understand what ableism is. When it's a massive issue in the community. Those who speak up about it aren't being "negative", we want things to be better.
Before anyone complains, yes ableism is in every community. But the cosplay community focuses so much on being a lookalike that disabled people get mistreated and pushed around. How many times have cosplayers used mobility aids like wheelchairs as props? More than I can count.
I just HATE that people in the cosplay community see my advocacy for disability issues. As me just being whiny and negative. They just think oh this doesn't affect me so why should I care.

It's extra dissapointing that even black cosplayers think like this. When they know better
When I say that black cosplayers know better, I mean as black people we can agree that racism sucks. But they choose not to empathize with disabled people. That are also struggling. Being black isn't a valid excuse to not care about disability issues and be ableist.
I've seen fellow cosplayer berate others for using their mobility aids in shoots. Look down upon disabled people. Make memes of us. And treat us like we don't belong in the cosplay community because we're not "enough". Or worse, accuse us of faking our disabilities for attention.
Many cosplayers look down on disabled cosplayers. Yes there are disabled cosplayers!! And it's messed up that the community doesn't recognize our humanity. And look down upon our work and existence. All because we do things a little differently.
In the cosplay community, if a disabled cosplayer asks for accomodations. They're met with accusations of lying, making excuses, etc.

They're villainized instead of simply being heard and accommodated. They're accused of being attention seeking and wanting "special treatment".
The lack of understanding of chronic illnesses in the cosplay community forces many to hide their disabilities. Cause they'll be accused of using it for "clout" if they're open about it. And using their openness to advocate for disability issues.
I've seen cosplayers spread rumors about disabled cosplayers stating that we're just lazy, fakers, attention seeking, money hungry, etc.

Instead of getting to know us as human beings and realizing the struggles we face due to our disabilities.
I'm just super dissapointed that cosplayers can see my threads about disability issues and ableism. And think that I'm just whining or complaining or being "negative". Like get some empathy and realize that some issues are more important than cosplay for some people.
I know that most cosplayers won't read this thread. Or will misconstrue my words. But for the few that will read and think things over. I hope you'll read up about ableism and maybe follow a few disabled creators to learn more on how to not be ableist.
You can follow @bibicosplays.
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