The last chapter of JESUS AND JOHN WAYNE is Evangelical Mulligans: A History. I hated researching it, hated writing it. It places evangelical support for an abuser-in-chief in the context of ev's support for their own abusers of power: Driscoll, Mahaney, MacDonald, MacArthur...
And it places their support for Trump, Roy Moore & Brett Kavanaugh alongside their support for abusers in their midst: Pete Newman of Kanakuk Kamps and Joe White's coverup; C.J. Mahaney for cultivating an "environment conducive to and protective of physical and sexual abuse..."
The list continues: Bill Gothard, Doug Phillips, Doug Wilson's long history of victim blaming. Josh Duggar, whose family minimized his actions. As his mom told Fox News, everyone makes mistakes--"that's why Jesus came." She blamed those with an agenda for slandering the family.
The list goes on: Jack Hyles and his "Watergate-like coverup" of sexual abuse at his church; Jack Schaap, whose "Polished Shaft" sermon gained notoriety and who pled guilty to crossing state lines to have sex with a 16yo he was counseling.
Then Bill Hybels and Paige Patterson and the 412 allegations of misconduct in IFB churches and then the 700+ victimes in SBC churches and still the refusal of evangelical leaders to call out abuse and expel abusers. These are not aberrations, they are endemic to evangelicalism.
Here's what I conclude: "The evangelical cult of masculinity links patriarchal power to masculine aggression and sexual desire; its counterpoint is a submissive femininity. A man's sexual drive, like his testosterone, is God-given. He is the initiator, the piercer...."
"Men assign themselves the role of protector, but the protection of women and girls is contingent on their presumed purity and proper submission...This puts female victims in impossible situations.
"Caught up in authoritarian settings where a premium is placed on obeying men, women and children find themselves in situations ripe for abuse of power....
"Immersed in teachings about sex and power, evangelicals are often unable or unwilling to name abuse, to believe women, to hold perpetrators accountable, and to protect and empower survivors.
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