Sigh. Let’s say it a little louder for the casual segregationists/meritocRACISTS/PLACENYC founders in the back who twist themselves into knots grasping at every straw not to call a racist thing a racist thing because the racist thing 🧵
Sometimes the simple thing is the right thing. Get rid of the racist thing that yields racist results and one less racist thing will be happening. Will it solve the other ills within education or society? No it will not. But it will solve this particular racist admission issue...
Let’s put this another way: if Peter Luger’s only let in .01% of Black or Brown diners who wanted to eat steak at their place and left the rest to just wait outside would we say it was because not enough Black and Brown diners wanted to eat there? That’s the real problem? ...
Would we say, “we just needed to let more Blck and Brown people know how awesome Peter Luger’s is and then they would let more of them in?”
Would we say, “we just need to prepare more Black and Brown diners to say the right things so the manager will let them In?” Would we say “we just need more restaurants like Peter Luger’s so diners aren’t fighting with each other to eat at the Brooklyn location.”?
Hell no we wouldn’t, we’d say what would be glaringly obvious to anyone who doesn’t selfishly want to hoard a seat at Luger’s for themselves. We’d say “Peter Luger’s is racist as fuck!”
I mean, sure, some of those other questions might also ring true. Maybe Peter Luger’s SHOULD open up more locations. Maybe more Folks SHOULD know how juicy Lugers’ steaks are.
But that would NOT be the lead story. The lead story would be “one of NY’s premier restaurants lets in 1 Black customer for every 50 white ones it lets in. And that’s stupid racist.” Replace Luger’s with SHS and you have the bad faith arguments you see today to keep status quo...
And so the Rube Goldberg machine of “plans” to get more Black and Brown students into SHS in the city but keep the status quote gets more and more absurd with each passing year. When the simples thing to do would be the most effective: get rid of the damned test. END
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