Final Cut library files get enormous if I'm not careful so I need to do memory management every few months, transferring this one 350+ GB file is going to take another six hours which gives me exactly enough time to binge watch all of invincible season one -R
I know enough to know it's going to hurt me but I also hear it's superhero deconstruction by someone who actually LIKES superheroes and I GOTTA see what that looks like -R
this show is cheeky because it looks like the twist is (spoiler alert) "what if superman was evil" but it's actually "what if superman's dad was evil but superman was still superman" which is objectively much more interesting to explore -R
and so the pain begins~ -R
Think I've ID'd why this is interesting to me. Superheroics started off lighthearted, then took a dive into grimdark misery - two opposite extremes. This series exposes its heroes to grimdark-misery-level threats, but lets them react in nuanced ways rather than instant despair -R
And a fundamental core trait that most superhero "deconstructions" tend to completely cut? The heroes actually seem interested in helping people and saving lives. One Bad Day theory doesn't apply, they still get up the next day to try and help again. Surprisingly optimistic. -R
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